Hemmick Services


Terms & Conditions of Trade



Hemmick Services Ltd -  Terms & Conditions


1. Terms & Conditions  - - China & Shanghai Souring


In these Terms and Conditions of Sale, China & Shanghai Sourcing, a partnership of Hemmick Services Ltd and Thousand Value Ltd and Bolnar Ltd, and which term includes all subsidiary and associated companies and agents, is referred to as CHINASOURCING and you are referred to as the Customer. The factory manufacturing the Goods supplied by CHINASOURCING is referred to as the Supplier.All sales made by CHINASOURCING to the Customer are transacted in US Dollars and payment is to be made in US Dollars to a designated CHINASOURCING account as agreed when an Order is accepted by CHINASOURCING.All prices are normally quoted on an FOB basis unless expressly stated.Once an Order has been accepted by CHINASOURCING the Customer may not cancel the Order and remains liable to make full payment to CHINASOURCING whether or not the Customer takes delivery of the Goods. If the Customer has to cancel an Order through extenuating circumstances CHINASOURCING will at its absolute discretion make every effort to reduce the costs payable by the Customer.The Customer accepts responsibility for payment of any and all import duty which may be levied by his Customs and Excise Agency (Customs & Excise) and indemnifies CHINASOURCING against any claim for payment of VAT, Duty,<br> storage or interest made by his Customs &amp; Excise Agency against<br> CHINASOURCING in respect of any Order.</li><li>CHINASOURCING makes no absolute representation in respect of the level of<br> Duty payable on any goods sold to the Customer, and any indication of the<br> applicable Tariff Code or level of duty payable is for guidance only and shall not<br> be construed as a ruling by the Customer’s Customs &amp; Excise Agency.</li><li>CHINASOURCING will source suppliers who will use the drawing and written<br> specifications supplied as the definitive reference against which to manufacture<br> the goods. Any sample supplied will be used as a guide to visual and cosmetic<br> specifications. If CHINASOURCING discover that the dimensions of the sample<br> differs in any respect to the drawings and written specifications supplied by the<br> Customer and CHINASOURCING identify this before manufacture<br> CHINASOURCING will draw the attention of this to the Customer and require<br> the Customer to amend and re-issue the drawings and specifications if required.<br> CHINASOURCING do not undertake to identify all and every such nonconformance<br> between drawings, written specifications and samples. The<br> Customer is wholly responsible for all issues of design and fitness for purpose of<br> the goods including the specified materials.</li><li>In the event that CHINASOURCING or a Supplier are requested to reverse<br> engineer goods from a sample they shall prepare drawings and specifications,<br> including material specifications, which shall then be reviewed and approved in<br> all respects by the Customer who shall then re-issue the drawings and<br> specifications as their own. The Customer is wholly responsible for all issues of<br> design and fitness for purpose of the goods including the specified materials.</li><li>CHINASOURCING will make every effort to ensure that all Goods supplied<br> conform with each and all specifications issued to and accepted by<br> CHINASOURCING at the time of order and are manufactured to the quality and<br> performance specified or reasonably expected by the Customer and that the<br> correct Order quantity is supplied. CHINASOURCING will inspect or arrange to<br> be inspected all Goods before shipment using AQL statistical inspection<br> procedures, General Level, and will not in the normal course of supply inspect<br> 100% unless at their discretion or the specific request of the Customer which may<br> incur an additional charge at standard rates.</li><li>CHINASOURCING nor the Supplier does not warrant 100% conformance with<br> specifications issued by the Customer for all parts within a batch of Goods, but<br> will procure a direct warranty for the benefit of the Customer from the Supplier<br> covering conformity with specification, finish, fitness for purpose, merchantability<br> and quality and correct order quantity to plus or minus 5% in accordance with the<br> Customers specification and Order and will aid and assist the Customer in<br> exercising such warranty, including obtaining a credit for any shortage against<br> Order quantity, save insofar that any warranty is limited to the value of the Goods<br> plus carriage by sea freight and at the discretion of CHINASOURCING or the<br> Supplier shall extend to the replacement of the Goods without unnecessary delay<br> by sea freight or return to the factory for rectification by sea freight at the<br> Supplier’s cost.</li><li>No additional warranties are offered by CHINASOURCING on any goods<br> supplied in respect of the fitness for purpose, life cycle, quality, or conformance<br> with safety requirements, other than those expressly agreed in writing when an<br> Order is placed or any statutory warranties to which the Customer is entitled.</li><li>CHINASOURCING will not be responsible for, and will not be liable to pay<br> compensation for any consequential losses, howsoever caused, resulting from any<br> deficiency or non-conformance in the Goods, shortages against Order quantities,<br> or from shipping and delivery delays.</li><li>CHINASOURCING shall not be held responsible and will not be liable to pay<br> compensation whatsoever for any delay in delivery caused by Shippers, Freight<br> Forwarders or Customs and Excise.</li><li>CHINASOURCING will keep the Customer informed of the progress of<br> manufacture and shipping of each Order and shall make every effort to ensure that<br> the Supplier adheres to the delivery date agreed when the Order is accepted by<br> CHINASOURCING.</li><li>CHINASOURCING will procure that its Suppliers, agents, associates and<br> representatives shall take every reasonable measure to ensure that the Customer<br> receives the very best possible service at every stage of the supply chain from<br> receipt of Order to delivery of Goods.</li><li>These Terms and Conditions shall be construed in accordance with English Law.<br> CHINASOURCING<br> August 2019<br> CHINASOURCINGTC1 Revision 6</li></ol>\n<!-- /wp:list -->','Terms & Conditions of Trade - Hemmick Services Ltd and China & Shanghai Sourcing Ltd

Complaints We hope you never have cause to complain to us but if we have not served you in the best way possible with Products or Services we should like to know so that we can rectify matters if at all possible.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>If you have a complaint against us or any of our websites you can send us an email at Complaints@hemmick.com. We take all complaints very seriously and will do our best to respond to your complaint in a timely and responsive manner. All complaints are reviewed by the Managing Director to ensure that any complaint we receive has been carefully and seriously considered.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n<!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>Your statutory rights are not affected by complaining or our complaints policy.